Provide a safer, faster, and more painless therapy experience.
About the Intelligent Microrobots for Advanced Therapy
Conventional therapeutic methods are facing challenges with the development of time. Drug therapy relies on human circulation, which may lack efficiency; furthermore, interventional therapy could cause severe damage and pain to patients. Therefore, it is of great value to explore a new direction to realize more targeted and efficient medical method.
Controllable active matters at micro/nanoscale possess the potential to undertake practical biomedical tasks addressing the above challenges. These micro/nanorobots could access to narrow and tortuous environments in human bodies (e.g., GI tracts and vasculars); high controllability enables targeted delivery and therapy; machine learning algorithms could endow the micro/nanorobots with advanced autonomy to adapt various working environments.

Objective 1
Objective 2

Objective 3
- Yang, L., Jiang, J., Gao, X., Wang, Q., Dou, Q., & Zhang, L. (2022). Autonomous environment-adaptive microrobot swarm navigation enabled by deep learning-based real-time distribution planning. Nature Machine Intelligence, 4(5), 480-493.
- Jiang, J., Yang, L., Hao, B., Xu, T., Wu, X., & Zhang, L. (2024). Automated Microrobotic Manipulation using Reconfigurable Magnetic Microswarms. IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
- Yang, L., Jiang, J., Ji, F., Li, Y., Yung, K. L., Ferreira, A., & Zhang, L. (2024). Machine learning for micro-and nanorobots. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1-14.