Lab Director
Team Co-Investigator
Postdoctoral Associates
Doctoral Students
Master’s Students
Research Assistant
Marie Curie Global Fellow
Exchange Students
Former Group Member

Lab Director

  • Dr. Ir Zhang Li (張立) Professor, FIEEE, FASME, FRSC, FAAIA, FHKIE
  • Email: Website:
    Tel: (852) 3943-1150 Fax: (852) 2603-6002
  • > Professor, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK
    > Professor by Courtesy, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
    > Director, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) - CUHK Joint Laboratory of Robotics and Intelligent Systems
    > Associate Faculty Member, Department of Biomedical Engineering, CUHK
    > Associate Faculty Member, Chow Yuk Ho Technology Centre for Innovative Medicine, CUHK
    > Associate Faculty Member, CUHK T-Stone Robotics Institute, CUHK
    > Programme-2 Leader, Multi-scale Medical Robotics Centre (MRC)@InnoHK, Hong Kong Science Park
    > Outstanding Fellow, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
    > IEEE Fellow, ASME Fellow, RSC Fellow, AAIA Fellow, HKIE Fellow
    > Senior Editor: IEEE T-ASE and IEEE T-RO

  • For the detailed biography of Prof. Zhang, please click HERE.

Team Co-Investigator

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Postdoctoral Associates

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Doctoral Students

Liu Wai Shing (廖偉成), Charles (HKPFS awardee)
M.Sc. University of Southern California (南加州大學)

LIU Wai Shing received his Master degree in Product Development Engineering from University of Southern California in 2018 and his Bachelor degree in Mechanical & Automation Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2016. His research interests include electromagnetic actuation setup for microrobots and its biomedical application.

Lo Wan Yee (羅韻儀)
M. Phil. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學)

Winnie received her Master degree in Surgery from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2020 and her Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering with Management from the University of Edinburgh in 2017. She joined Prof. Zhang Li’s group as a PhD candidate in 2021. Her research interests include magnetic micro/nanorobots for the use in minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic treatments.

Jiang Shuai (蔣帥)
B.S. Zhejiang University (浙江大學)

Mr. Jiang received his Bachelor degree in Chemistry from Zhejiang University in 2019. He will join Prof. Zhang Li’s group as a Ph.D. candidate in 2021. His research interests include biohybrid microrobotics for targeted cargo delivery and cancer therapy.

Hao Bo (郝博)
M.Sc. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (南京航空航天大學)

Mr. Hao Bo joined Prof. Zhang’s group as a PhD candidate in 2021. He received his bachelor degree in Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering and his master degree in Mechanical Design and Theory from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2016 and 2020. He received another master degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Ecole Nationale Supérieur de Mécanique et d'Aéronautique in 2019.

Wang Xin (王鑫)
M.Sc. Soochow University (蘇州大學)

Mr. Xin Wang received his Bachelor degree in Material Science and Engineering from Liaocheng University in 2018 and Master degree in Material Science and Engineering from Soochow University in 2021. He will join Prof. Zhang Li’s group as a Ph.D. candidate in 2021.

Qi Zhaoyang (戚朝陽)
M.S. University of Science and Technology of China (中國科學技術大學)

Mr Qi received his M. S. and B. E. in Instrument Science and Technology, from University of Science and Technology of China and Hefei University of Technology in 2021 and 2018, respectively. His research interests include intelligent control of magnetic microrobotics and development of electromagnetic systems.

Cao Yanfei (曹燕飛)
M.Sc. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (南京航空航天大學)

Mr. Cao Yanfei received his bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation and his master degree in Mechanical and Electronic Engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2016 and 2019. His research interests focus on design and control for medical magnetic catheters and guidewires.

Sun Bonan (孫伯男)
M. Eng. Xi’an Jiaotong University (西安交通大學)

Mr. Sun Bonan joined Prof. Zhang Li's group as a PhD candidate in Aug. 2022. He received his bachelor's degree and master's degree from the department of engineering mechanics, Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2019 and 2022, respectively.

Jiang Yihang (江一航)
M. Eng. Shenzhen University (深圳大學)

Mr. Jiang Yihang joined Prof. Zhang Li’s group as a Ph.D. candidate in Aug. 2022. He received his Bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering from Henan University of Science and Technology in 2017 and Master degree in Biomedical Engineering from Shenzhen University in 2022.

Cheng Chak Kit (鄭澤傑), Mg (HKPFS awardee)
M.Sc. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學)

Chak Kit received his bachelor's and master's degrees in biomedical engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2021 and 2022, respectively. He joined Prof. Zhang's team as a Ph.D. candidate in 2022.

Zhang Zifeng (張梓鋒)
M.Sc. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學)

Mr. Zhang Zifeng joined Prof. Zhang's group as a research assistant in 2020. He received his M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2020) and B.Sc. degree in bioengineering from Beijing University of Chemical Technology (2019). His research interests focus on the clinical translations of micro/nanorobots.

Guo Junjia (郭俊佳)
M. M. Wenzhou Medical University (溫州醫科大學)

She received B. Sc. from Xinxiang Medical University in 2017 and M. M. from Wenzhou Medical University in 2022. She specializes in animal experiments and joined Dr. Zhang Li's group as a research assistant in 2022.

Xue Junnan (薛俊南)
M. Eng. Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (哈爾濱工業大學,深圳)

Mr. Junnan XUE received his master degree in Mechanical Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (HITSZ) and bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from Taiyuan University of Technology (TYUT) in 2022 and 2020, respectively. He will join Prof. Zhang Li’s group as a Ph.D. candidate in 2023.

Zhu Jiaqi (朱嘉淇)
M.Sc. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (華中科技大學)

Mr. Zhu Jiaqi received his master degree and bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering, from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Yanshan University in 2022 and 2019, respectively. He will join Prof. Zhang Li’s group as a Ph.D. candidate in 2023. His research interests include micro-scale medical robots, soft robotics and stretchable electronics.

Liu Xurui (劉旭睿)
M.Sc. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (華中科技大學)

Mr. Liu Xurui joined Prof. Zhang Li's group as a PhD candidate in Aug. 2023. He received master degree in Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2022 and bachelor degree in Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, Weihai in 2018.

Hou Xingyu (侯星宇)
M.Sc. Southern University of Science and Technology (南方科技大學)

Mr. Hou Xingyu joined Dr. Zhang Li's group as a Ph.D. candidate in 2023. He received the master degree in the Department of Material Science and Engineering from Southern University of Science and Technology in 2022 and the bachelor degree in the Faculty of Material Science and Energy from Southwest University in 2019. His main research interests focus on flexible electronics and hydrogels.

Du Huihui (杜輝輝)
M. Eng. Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Chinese Academy of Sciences (中科院上海矽酸鹽研究所)

Miss Du received her bachelor degree in materials science and engineering from Shandong University of science and technology in 2020, and will receive her master degree in materials science and engineering from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Chinese Academy of Sciences and join Prof. Zhang Li’s group as a PhD candidate in 2023. Her research interests include micro/nanorobots for the removal of biofilm on the surface of biological scaffolds.

Wang Qingfu, William (王慶福)
M.Sc. University of Macau (澳門大學)

Mr. Wang Qingfu joined Dr. Zhang Li's group in 2023. He received his master’s degree from the University of Macau in 2022, and bachelor’s degree in West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University in 2020. His research interests focus on the application of biomedical materials in the medical filed.

Ji Xiang (紀祥)
M.Eng. Fu Dan University (復旦大學)

Mr. Ji Xiang received his master's degree in artificial intelligence from Fu Dan University in 2023, and bachelor’s degree in Hebei University of Technology in 2020. Currently, he is pursuing his Ph.D. studies within Prof. Zhang Li's group. His research interests focus on the swarm intelligence.

Zhou Hui (周慧)
M. Eng. Shenzhen University (深圳大學)

Miss Zhou Hui joined Prof. Zhang Li’s group as a Ph.D. candidate in Aug. 2024. She received her Bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering from Nanjing Medical University in 2020 and Master degree in Biomedical Engineering from Shenzhen University in 2023.

Chen Yihan (陳逸涵)
B. Eng. Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (哈爾濱工業大學,深圳)

Mr. Chen Yihan received his bachelor’s degree in Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen in 2024. He will join Prof. Zhang Li’s group as a Ph.D. candidate in 2024. His research interests focus on the machine learning-based control of microrobot swarm.

Zhao Dongfang (趙東方)
M. Eng. Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (哈爾濱工業大學,深圳)

Mr. Zhao Dongfang will join Prof. Zhang Li's group as a Ph.D. candidate in Aug. 2024. He received his bachelor's degree and Marster's degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen respectively in 2021 and 2024. His research interests focus on the biomedical application of microswarm.

Peng Yusong (彭瑜嵩)
M. Sc. Nanjing University (南京大學)

Peng Yusong received her Master's degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Nanjing University and her Bachelor's degree in Materials Chemistry from Nanjing University. Her research interests focus on magnetic micro-robotics for use in in vitro diagnostics and invasive therapeutic treatments.

Yu Edwin (余卓昇), Edwin
B. Eng. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學)

Edwin Yu received the Bachelor degree in mechanical and automation engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in 2016, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in mechanical and automation engineering. His research interests include electromagnetic actuation Protocols and platforms for microrobots and neuro-modulation.

Master's Student

Research Assistant

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Marie Curie Global Fellow

Dr. Veronica Iacovacci
Ph.D. Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Dr. Veronica Iacovacci is a Marie Curie Global Fellow with a double appointment at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA - Pisa, Italy) and CUHK. Dr. Iacovacci received her PhD in BioRobotics from SSSA in 2017 and she worked as Post Doctoral Fellow in SSSA and ETH Zurich. Her main research interest include microrobots and their medical applications with a particular focus on magnetic microsystems for targeted therapy and smart catheters. During her fellowship, she will focus on new therapeutic solutions enabled by smart magnetic microrobot swarms.She is author or co-author of 13 scientific publications on international journals, 30 conference papers and 2 book chapter. She is also inventor of 2 international patents. She participated as invited speaker to several international conferences on robotics and microrobotics for medical applications (ICRA, MARSS) and she was co-organizer of a special session (MARSS 2017) and of a workshop (Hamlyn symposium on medical robotics 2019) focused on the employment of microrobotics technologies in clinical applications. She was awarded with national prices for her MsC and PhD thesis, with the Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation Doctoral Exchange Grant and with the best presentation award in the framework of the Euspen Challenge 2014. She currently serves as a reviewer for more than 20 ISI journals and peer-reviewed conferences.

Exchange Students

Huyue Chen (陳虎越)
B.Sc., Dalian Maritime University (大連海事大學)

Mr. Huyue Chen received a B.Sc. degree from Dalian Maritime University in 2020 and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He joined Prof. Zhang Li's group in May 2024, started cooperating with the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, and Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey. His research topic is physical intelligence in small-scale mobile robots and machines, including magnetic millirobots, mechanical metamaterials, and soft materials.

Stefano Pane
B.Sc. University of Roma3

Stefano Pane received the B.Sc. degree in electronic engineering from the University of Roma3, Rome, Italy, in 2015, and the M.Sc. degree (with honors) in mechatronics engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, in 2017. He is currently working on his PhD at the Biorobotics institute of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy. His research interests include medical robotics, microrobotics, magnetic control and medical ultrasound as well as biomechatronics and implantable devices.

Kathrin Schweizer
B.Sc. ETH Zurich

Miss Kathrin Schweizer received her B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich in summer 2017. She joined Prof. Zhang’s lab in May for her master thesis for 7 months. She will work on the real-time ultrasound imaging of microswarm with Wang Qianqian.

Former Group Members

Dr. Xu Tiantian (徐天添) 優青
中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院 研究員
Professor, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

國家優秀青年科學基金, 深圳青年五四獎章 獲得者


Dr. Yan Xiaohui (鄢曉暉)
Ph.D, (2016)
廈門大學公共衛生學院 副教授
Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Xiamen University


Dr. Yu Jiangfan (俞江帆), 海外優青
香港中文大學(深圳) 助理教授
Assistant Professor, CUHK(Shenzhen)

福布斯中國2021 30 Under 30 上榜者


Dr. Wang Ben (王奔)
深圳大學 助理教授
Assistant Professor, Shenzhen University


Dr. Zhang Yabin (張亞斌)
廣西大學 教授
Professor & PhD Supervisor, Guangxi University

Dr. Bian Ye (卞燁)
東南大學 副研究員
Research Associate Professor, Southeast University

Dr. Jin Dongdong (金東東)
哈爾濱工業大學(深圳) 副教授
Associate Professor & PhD Supervisor, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen


Dr. Wang Qianqian (王乾乾), 海外優青
東南大學 青年首席教授
Professor, Southeast University


Dr. Yang Lidong (楊立冬)
香港理工大學 工業及系統工程學系 助理教授
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong Young Scientist Finalist Award (Engineering) from Hong Kong Institute of Science, 2022


Dr. Pan Chengfeng (潘程楓), 海外優青
浙江大學 研究員
Professor, Zhejiang University

Dr. Dong Yue (董悦), 海外優青
哈爾濱工業大學(深圳) 機電工程與自動化學院 教授
Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen


Dr. Cai Mingxue (蔡明學)
中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院 副研究員
Associate Professor, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dr. Feng Wei (馮偉), 海外優青
中國科學技術大學 特任教授
Professor, University of Science and Technology of China


Dr. Tang Pengyi (唐鵬翼)
中國科學院上海微系統與信息技術研究所 青年研究員
Professor, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Prof. Wang Rutao (王儒濤)
Postdoc researcher, (2015-2018)
山東大學 教授
Professor, Shandong University, China


Dr. Wang Shijie (王世傑), Mike (HKPFS awardee)

Dr. Du Xingzhou (杜星洲), George

Dr. Yang Zhengxin (楊正馨), Cherry

Dr. Ji Fengtong (紀鳳同)

Dr. Sun Mengmeng (孫猛猛)
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

Dr. Oh Jiwon (吳知遠)

Dr. Ning Zhipeng (寧志鵬)

Zhao Jinsheng (趙晉生)

Wang Lu (王露)

Dr. Lao Zhaoxin (勞召欣)
合肥工業大學 研究員


Dr. Zhu Guangda (朱光達)

Dong Liwei (董利偉)

Tian Yuan (田媛)

Sun Xinlei (孫新蕾)
M.M. Harbin Medical University (哈爾濱醫科大學)

Yeung Yuk-lung (楊毓龍), Ray

Dr. Gao Jinhong (高錦鴻)

Chiu Wai On, Alan

Cheung Hiu Ying (張曉瑩), Zoey

Yuan Ke (袁可)

Dr. Kou Shanglong (寇尚龍)

Li Mengzhi (李夢芝)

Dr. Lu Si (陸思)

Dr. Lei Yanqiang (類延強)

Dr. Jiang Yue (姜悅)
Shandong University

Dr. Wong Wing-sze (黃詠斯), Wincy
Ph.D, (2016)
Hospital Resident Physicist

Dr. Liu Yang (劉陽)
Ph.D, 2015

Dr. Cai Jiandong (蔡建東)
Ph.D, 2015
Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou, China

Dr. Zhang Hong (張宏)
天津大學 副教授
Associate Professor, Tianjin University


Lau Tsz-wing (劉梓榮), Tommy

Yu Huanbing (于渙冰), Ryan

Zhou Qi (周琦), Charles
愛丁堡大學 講師
Lecturer, The University of Edinburgh


Chan Ka-hei (陳嘉琋), Noel

Han Lijuan (韓麗娟)

Zhang Lin (張霖)

Wang Feng (王峰)

Zhang Qi (張琪)

Former Students

Undergraduate studentsMSc students

Chang Hongyi (BME FYP, 2023)
Cheng Koon Hang (BME FYP, 2023)
Lee Wing Yin (BME FYP, 2023)
Tran Thi Trang (BME FYP, 2023)
Fok Ho Ming (BME FYP, 2022)
Yam Ka Yin (BME FYP, 2022)
Chew Hei Long (MAE FYP, 2022)
Wai Chun Kit (MAE FYP, 2022)
Fok Ho Ming (BME FYP, 2021)
Yam Ka Yin (BME FYP, 2021)
Chan Yun Lam (BME FYP, 2020)
Chung Chan Leong (MAE FYP, 2020)
Ho Sze Lam (MAE FYP, 2020)
Hui Lok Hin (MAE FYP, 2020)
Fong Cho Chak (MAE FYP, 2020)
Pau Long Wai (MAE FYP, 2020)
So Ming Wai (MAE FYP, 2020)
Wong Jacqueline Hilda (MAE FYP, 2020)
Wong Tsz Hin (MAE FYP, 2020)
Yip Oi Ching (MAE FYP, 2020)
Chu Chi Man (MAE FYP, 2018)
Kwan Yu Yu (MAE FYP, 2018)
Ko Chun Hei (BME FYP, 2018)
Law Chung Pak (MAE FYP, 2018)
Tsui Wai Cheung (MAE FYP, 2018)
Yip Kim Fung (MAE FYP, 2018)
Chan Chi Bun (MAE FYP, 2017)
Ng Faat Hei (MAE FYP, 2017)
Sin Kay On, Aaron (MAE FYP, 2017)
Siu Hoi Man (MAE FYP, 2017)
Wu Kam Kwan, Wesley (MAE FYP, 2017)
Yip Tsz Hin (MAE FYP, 2017)
Cai Yaojun (MAE FYP, 2016)
Chau Tsz Lok (MAE FYP, 2016)
Chen Nico (BME FYP, 2016)
Hui Wing Yee (MAE FYP, 2016)
Ieong Ho Kuan (MAE FYP, 2016)
Leung Ho yin (MAE FYP, 2016)
Park Doyoung (BME FYP, 2016)
Shiu Kin Hei (MAE FYP, 2016)
D'Souza, Carrie Won Shan
Lau Chin Ling (劉展伶), Joel
Chan Wai Yan (陳蔚茵), Yanka (BME FYP, 2015)
Tam Pui Sze (譚珮斯), Cindy (BME FYP, 2015)
Wong Chun Ho (黃俊浩), Kenneth (BME FYP, 2015)
Wong Leong Wai (黃量煒), Kevin (MAE FYP, 2015)
Yu Edwin (余卓昇) (MAE FYP, 2015)
Liu Wai Shing (廖偉成), Charles (MAE FYP, 2015)
Ou Kin On (區健安), Andy (BME FYP, 2014)
Chan Kai Fung (陳啟楓), Tony (BME FYP, 2014)
Chan Yee Ki (陳旖琪), Vicki (BME FYP, 2014)
Wong Yin Wing (黃彥榮), Nicholas (BME FYP, 2014)
Lee Tsun Ho (李浚豪), Jay (MAE FYP, 2014)
Cheng Keung (鄭強), Nicky (MAE FYP, 2014)
Wang Shijie (王世傑) (MAE FYP, 2015)
Huynh Mon Yuen (黃夢圓) (MAE FYP, 2014)
Ng Ka Chun (吳嘉俊), Angus
Luk Man Him (陸文謙), Baros (MAE FYP, 2014)
Vong Chi Ian (MAE FYP, 2014)
Jiang Hongbo (MAE FYP, 2013)
Tsang Wai Hung (MAE FYP, 2013)
Wong Chun Yin (MAE FYP, 2013)
Wong Man Ho (MAE FYP, 2013)
Wong Yin Chi (MAE FYP, 2013)

Chen Zhaolong (BME MSc, 2023)
He Yimiao (BME MSc, 2023)
Jiang Yuanyuan (BME MSc, 2023)
Wang Longnan (BME MSc, 2023)
Zheng Jiaqi (BME MSc, 2023)
Chen Zaiyang (MAE MSc, 2023)
Luo Fan (MSE MSc, 2023)
Wong Him Chi (MAE MSc, 2023)
Zhang Lin (MAE MSc, 2023)
Chen Yueyao (BME MSc, 2022)
Cheng Chak Kit (BME MSc, 2022)
Guo Keijiang (BME MSc, 2022)
Ma Qianli (BME MSc, 2022)
Tian Huaiwen (BME MSc, 2022)
Gao Jianye (MAE MSc, 2022)
Qiu Guochong (MAE MSc, 2022)
Rong Wenqi (MAE MSc, 2022)
Tan Yunlin (MAE MSc, 2022)
Yu Chenxiao (MAE MSc, 2022)
Zhu Yu (MAE MSc, 2022)
Cao Ziyan (MAE MSc, 2021)
Dai Yinghan (BME MSc, 2021)
Li Zenghao (BME MSc, 2021)
Lu Shentao (MAE MSc, 2021)
Ma Jingxuan (MAE MSc, 2021)
Peng Cong (BME MSc, 2021)
Wan Ziyuan (MAE MSc, 2021)
Xu Jin (MAE MSc, 2021)
Yao Jiacheng (BME MSc, 2021)
Cao Ziyan (MAE MSc, 2020)
Dai Yinghan (BME MSc, 2020)
Li Zenghao (BME MSc, 2020)
Lu Shentao (MAE MSc, 2020)
Ma Jingxuan (MAE MSc, 2020)
Wan Ziyuan (MAE MSc, 2020)
Peng Cong (BME MSc, 2020)
Wan Ziyuan (MAE MSc, 2020)
Xu Jin (MAE MSc, 2020)
Yao Jiacheng (BME MSc, 2020)
Yu Antai (BME MSc, 2020)
Fang Zhe (MAE MSc, 2019)
Huang Jiayi (MAE MSc, 2019)
Huang Ting (BME MSc, 2019)
Huang Yun (BME MSc, 2019)
Huang Zhiyuan (MAE MSc, 2019)
Liu Ziqi (BME MSc, 2019)
Shao Youjia (MAE MSc, 2019)
Shi Jinlu (MAE MSc, 2019)
Sun Jing (MAE MSc, 2019)
Wan Ling (MAE MSc, 2019)
Wang Zhenyu (MAE MSc, 2019)
Xu Xinnan (MAE MSc, 2019)
Yang Feifan (MAE MSc, 2019)
Yi Zhibo (BME MSc, 2019)
Zhang Zifeng (BME MSc, 2019)
Chai Yingfei (BME MSc, 2018)
Chou Tsu-yu (BME MSc, 2018)
Deng Xiaoling (MAE MSc, 2018)
Ko Win Yin (MAE MSc, 2018)
Qian Mingjing (MAE MSc, 2018)
Wong Sheung Chuen (BME MSc, 2018)
Yung Wai Tak (MAE MSc, 2018)
Zhang Yue (MAE MSc, 2018)
Zhao Xing (BME MSc, 2018)
Zhou Kaiyu (BME MSc, 2018)
Zhu Di (MAE MSc, 2018)
Chan Yu Ping (BME MSc, 2017)
Chow Siu Lun (MAE MSc, 2017)
Tian Yuan (BME MSc, 2017)
Wang Xingyu (MAE MSc, 2017)
Yuan Ke (BME MSc, 2017)
Lam Wang (BME MSc, 2016)
Lo Kwok Wing (BME MSc, 2016)
Lo Yin Tung (BME MSc, 2016)
D'Souza, Carrie Won Shan (BME MSc, 2015)
Lau Chin Ling (BME MSc, 2015)
Yan Hiu Wai (BME MSc, 2015)
Hu Dawei (BME MSc, 2014)
Giggey Michael (BME MSc, 2014)
SU Shanyuhan (BME MSc, 2014)
Gao Lingli (BME MSc, 2013)

Former Visiting Scholars

Prof. Cong Rui (叢蕊) Associate Professor in the School of Mechanical Science & Engineering at Northeast Petroleum University
Prof. Hu Kun (胡坤) Associate Professor